Zanesville’s old Long Line tower

During the 1950s and 60s, AT&T erected tons of microwave relay towers throughout the United States. They were part of the Long Lines network, a transcontinental telecommunications system. Today, the towers’ imposing presence persists: one stands next to I-69 just northwest of Zanesville. 

Zanesville’s Long Line tower, seen on November 11, 2023.

The 168-foot Long Line tower1 near Zanesville relayed signals from Warren,16.5 miles southwest, to the Fort Wayne Central Office about thirteen miles away2. After the Long Lines program ended, a successor to AT&T sold the Zanesville tower in 20013.

Back when it still featured its unusual horn antennae, Zanesville’s Long Line Tower was one of the first I noticed as a kid. These days, it’s operated by Sprint Nextel, a cell service provider4.

Sources Cited
1 Transmitter Characteristics (n.d.). Antennasearch. Web. Retrieved December 24, 2023.
2 Long Lines Map and Information (n.d.). Web. Map. Retrieved November 14, 2023.
3 Parcel 02-16-20-477-001.000-048 (2023). iMap GIS Data Viewer. Allen County [Fort Wayne]. Web. Retrieved December 24, 2023. 
4 (See footnote 1). 

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